Sacred Remembering as a way of life.
Hello love,
I look forward to learning more about your story. Here is a bit of mine. My intention for sharing it is to create solidarity, trust and understanding.
I was born on the Day of the Soul Searcher, and that alone explains a lot about me. I am a natural mystic, but the path to aligning to the truth of who I am has been the greatest devotion of my life.
Sitting as a young girl in the church pews in the small Methodist church, I sensed something was off. I saw hypocrisy and racism, and I didn’t like the way the bible spoke of the domination and submission of women and the earth. My first rebellion was out of the church and into the woods. I drove a boxy Jeep Cherokee as a teen with a bumper sticker with a John Muir quote that said, "I believe in God, I just call it Nature."
A seeker from the start.
In my rebellious nature, I fell in love in my late teens and got pregnant during my first semester of college. I had to go back home and the sexual shame and family pressure - both religious and also the pressure to succeed - led to my first baby being adopted.
This shaped so much of the next two decades of my life and was a massive severance from my heart.
In that pain of separation, I dove into trying to be worthy via pushing myself in career, marriage, and external definitions of success. I shut down my embodiment, my sexuality, my femininity, and I hustled to succeed as society tells you to do. I adopted quite the "masculine shell" and a badass "resiliency" to get myself through.
I got one degree and then a Master's, worked hard, and gave birth to another beautiful baby boy in 2009. In the first two years of my child's life - I did it all. I breastfed and worked, I sewed beautiful heirloom quilts and I got a second Master's. I believed I was responsible for the family's income because I felt I had to do it all myself. I was trying to do it all, be superwoman.
I started to get sick with adrenal fatigue and hormone disruption during this time - because clearly I was doing way too much. My body had been taxed for quite some time, and little did I know the extent of the childhood trauma it was actually carrying.
I had my "Sacred Remembering" moment (the "Oh, I left something of myself back there!" moment) when my son was a toddler. We were outside in the woods, I couldn't put my finger on why I felt unfulfilled even though I "should" have been happy, and I remembered my soul essence in that moment. And I committed to finding that soul truth again.
While working as a school principal in holistic education, I remembered, "Oh, there's this thing called the feminine and masculine! It doesn't feel like my feminine is honored, and it feels like the world wants me to always be in my masculine!"
And so I started reading all I could about the archetypes - Marion Woodman and Carl Jung among others - and I started to see how this was the root of my imbalance. My soul truly called me toward this information as the beginning of a *much* greater theme that my life had always intended for me to discover.
This journey of feminine/masculine integration became my way of living. And that awakening turned into a spiritual awakening, realizing that truly all of life, on every level, is Feminine & Masculine, and what we are here to do at this time on the planet is to heal the misrepresentation and separation of these two energies. When we address this internally, relationally, and in our relationship with the divine, then we can actually experience Unity.
As I dove into my Sacred Remembering and soul-searching path, I discovered that my body held quite a lot of repressed trauma. Healing the trauma in my body's system, and trusting the truth of my body when my family denied that there had ever been abuse, etc, was a turning point for me. Trust your body!! As we lean into the healing of the trauma & density in our cells, muscles and emotional body, we reclaim a lot of energy that can become available to us living our most authentic and prosperous lives!
I have spent years learning and experiencing many modalities and healing therapies such as Hakomi, Internal Family Systems, EMDR, Trauma Release Therapy, "parts work," shadow work, integrating feminine & masculine, healing mother & father lineages, energy work, mindfulness, meditation, kundalini yoga, intimacy & sensuality/sexuality healing, quantum healing, shamanic journeying, and more!
I left a traditional career in early 2018 and have been very fortunate to truly live a path of feminine & masculine integration, Sacred Remembering & discovery. Every day is filled with magic, mystery, and more awakening! It's not always easy, but it's fulfilling.
On this path, what I also discovered is that while I had a lot to uncover, I also had a lot of magic buried too. I discovered that my soul and DNA are very, very old, I am a polarity-integrator soul type, I have had connections to the Grail Lineage & the time that Jesus & Mary Magdalene walked the planet, and much more. I am remembering more all the time, but the most important thing is to activate the gifts of those previous lifetimes in this one, and live my mission.
I built a successful coaching business based on supporting women and their families navigate the changes associated with awakening and the evolution of consciousness.
The Sacred Remembering Community Podcast started in 2019 and the Community was built in 2021. The vision for this space is that it become a place for women to 1) Remember their inner truths and sacred gifts, 2) Stand in them, 3) Receive money & prosperity for their soul's exact gifts! The Community is a space for women on a path of remembering the truth of who you are!
In 2020, I experienced a significant awakening in connection to the mountains where I live - the home of my ancestors. In a moment of extreme depletion as a woman, I fell to my knees and asked "WHY?!" To my surprise, a vision emerged of thousands of Grandmothers, some of my indigenous Grandmothers, and they wailed with me and beat their drums and they said, "We understand, Granddaughter. The feminine has been tired and depleted for so long. We are going to help you, and show you the way through, and you will call this Heartland and share it with others."
I have been walking with the teachings and elements of Heartland ever since, making changes to my own habits and energy, the way I do "business" and the kind of woman I am. I have walked through healing deep lineage trauma including intergenerational abuse of women and children, scarcity, poverty and secrecy. I came to stop the pattern, and for anyone doing this, I send my absolute respect. It is no easy thing to be the cycle breaker. It is often a lonely path that doesn't make sense to those around us. It is at this time that it is important to align fully to our Sacred Remembering path and the truth of who we are, and to find allies who you resonate with on the soul path.
These past few years have been the most refining, most difficult and beautiful years of my life. They led me back to my heart, embodiment, integrity, and purpose. They have given me the Heartland, and I am committed to this path as my dharma.
I listen to the Grandmothers as they continue to teach and guide me. I'm writing a book called Heartland, the Home of the Regenerative Feminine.
I work as an intuitive, guide, consultant of feminine/masculine dynamics, couples coach, and healer in the Heartland energetics of sovereign, regenerative earth and source energy. Everything I offer is a result of my discoveries and refinement, and a combination of professional and multidimensional experiences.
I am a One with a two-wing in the Enneagram and a 4:6 Human Design Projector with Emotional Authority, which means that I do thrive on invitations to share my thought leadership and to help guide others. I help to ease systems and I am here as a bridge builder between the patriarchal, extractive energetics of the past and the new possibilities for feminine / masculine harmony and regenerative prosperity of the future.
On my journey I have truly discovered that the New Earth arrives through us. Through our devotion to our Sacred Remembering and to living into that which we are realizing. The time is now. We are it.
If there is a way that you imagine I can help you, your family, or your organization or group, please do reach out and invite a conversation.
In love & connection,
Sarah Poet